Loma Espanjassa

About us

Dear customers

Serving you in Torrevieja with great enthusiasm since 2015, the ownership of the company Loma Espanjassa is changing. Kari and Pirkko Ikonen are deservedly retiring from the company, and the new owners Maria Suvinen, Anssi Ikonen and Antti Tuisku will take charge of the company’s operations.

”We want to thank from the bottom of our hearts all our wonderful clients and partners during these years”, say Kari and Pirkko.

”As we move on to enjoy our retirement years, we leave our beloved company and life work in safe and secure hands. Millions of thanks and great success to our wonderful team and new entrepeneurs” wish Kari and Pirkko.

You will continue to be served by the familiar, trustworthy and capable team with the leadership of Maria and Anssi, with Antti supporting the effort.

”Loma Espanjassa employees with the leadership of Kari and Pirkko were the first people who I got to know in 2018 when I acquired my home-away-from-home here in Torrevieja. It is a great honour and a privilege to be involved in advancing this company. My role will be more in supporting the company as an enabler whereas Maria and Anssi will continue to run the company interacting with the clients.” says Antti.

When you are thinking of buying, selling or renting a property, you can be in contact with us. You can learn more about the company, the people behind it and the services it provides on our new website www.lomaespanjassa.net

Best Regards

Maria, Anssi and Antti

Holiday in Spain (Loma Espanjassa in Finnish) is a Real estate and holiday rental agency in Torrevieja and Orihuela Costa region in Costa Blanca, Spain.

We provide holistic approach to real-estate sales and advise the buyer on the selection of the right property and specially in the right zone in our area. We understand the challenges when buying a property from abroad and work with our clients through the whole process.

After the sale we provide maintenance and holiday rental services for your apartment according to your needs. Our portfolio of rental properties consists more than 90 homes in the region. This gives us first hand experience on estimating the rental potential of your home.

If you need trusted partner for your home purchase project, don’t hesitate to contact us.

We can serve you in Finnish, English, Swedish and Spanish.

The team

Maria Suvinen
Property sales, shareholder
maria@lomaespanjassa.net +34 606 210 810
Anssi Ikonen
Property sales, shareholder
anssi@lomaespanjassa.net +34 608 383 131
Maria Juvonen
Rental service
vuokra@lomaespanjassa.net +34 669 67 25 78
Mari Salminen
Rental service
vuokra@lomaespanjassa.net +34 669 67 25 78
Robert Forss
Property sales
bostader@lomaespanjassa.net +34 615 36 94 31
Petri Hinno
Property sales
sales1@lomaespanjassa.net +34 602 46 56 68
Antti Tuisku
+34 966 708 045
Olli Juvonen
Rental services
vuokra@lomaespanjassa.net +34 669 67 25 78
Maria Honkanen
Rental service
vuokra@lomaespanjassa.net +34 669 67 25 78
Antonio Torregrosa
antonio@lomaespanjassa.net +34 966 708 045